Run for Office with Women Run!

In 2017, the Women’s Foundation launched Women Run!, the Granite State’s only nonpartisan program empowering and training women to run for office at the state and local level. We had a BOLD goal: to change the political landscape in New Hampshire.

When women serve in office, regardless of party, they are more likely to support policies that support women and girls and are more likely to reach across the aisle to reach consensus. However, women represent only 37% of current New Hampshire House and Senate members. We’d like to change that, by supporting women who align with the mission and values of the Women’s Foundation with skill-based trainings and a supportive community during and after their campaign.

To date, hundreds of women have participated in our Women Run! program, with great success! Want to get involved — by running for office yourself or showing up for the women who do?

Sign up for Women Run! emails and we’ll send you information on additional Women Run! programs as they are announced.


Wednesday, May 29th, 5:30 – 6:30 PM on Zoom

Women Run! Increasing Women in Local Office

Are you wondering how you can make a difference? Do you want to see more women running and serving in your town and state?  The filing period to run for state and county office opens in June. You should run! And encourage women you know to run!

Join our Women Run! training to gain the knowledge and confidence to make a difference to your community.

  • Learn about the types of local elected positions and what they do
  • Learn about appointed positions on committees and boards
  • Practice encouraging other women to run for office
  • Hear from women who are serving their communities about their experiences and advice
  • Gain a community of support who want to see more women in office

If you’re thinking about running for office soon, in the future, or just want to learn more about supporting other women who run, this is the place for you!


Tuesday, May 15, 12:00 – 1:00 PM on Zoom

Women Run! Increasing Women in Local Office

Are you wondering how you can make a difference? Do you want to see more women running and serving in your town and state?  The filing period to run for state and county office opens in June. You should run! And encourage women you know to run! 

Tuesday, February 27, 5:00 – 6:00 PM, on zoom

Women Run! for Town Office: Learning as You Lead

Are you running for office in your town, considering running in the future, or want to support women running in your community? Is the burden or expectation of needing to know everything weighing you down? Join the New Hampshire Women’s Foundation for a Women Run! training session that will help you gain the confidence and tools to run with the skills and abilities you already have — and learn along the way! 

Wednesday, February 28, 12:00 – 1:00 PM, on zoom

Women Run! for Town Office: Getting the Word Out

Are you running for office in your town, considering running in the future, or want to support women running in your community? Is the idea of “being a candidate” foreign to you? Wondering what to say and how (and where) to say it? Join the New Hampshire Women’s Foundation for a Women Run! training that will give you the confidence and tools to run an authentic campaign and share your story with voters.

Thursday February 1, 12:00 – 1:00 PM, on zoom
2024 Municipal Elections Training 1
Increasing Women in Local Office

Are you wondering how you can make a difference? Do you want to see more women running and serving in your town?  The filing period to run for local office has opened for many NH towns. You should run! And encourage women you know to run!

Join our Women Run! training to gain the knowledge and confidence to make a difference to your community.

  • Learn about the types of local elected positions and what they do
  • Learn about appointed positions on committees and boards
  • Practice encouraging other women to run for office
  • Hear from women who are serving their communities about their experiences and advice
  • Gain a community of support who want to see more women in office

If you’re thinking about running for office soon, in the future, or just want to learn more about supporting other women who run, this is the place for you!


Want to share your experience and expertise as a past or present elected official? Sign up to be a mentor to one of our Women Run! program participants!


Not interested in running for office yourself (or already elected) but want to help a Woman Run! candidate?

Sign up to volunteer and we’ll connect you with program participants who need help in their races!


Here in New Hampshire, we’re known for political firsts like our first-in-the-nation all-female Congressional delegation – but we have a long way to go to achieve political parity for men and women. See our Gender Matters series for updates on women’s representation in local and state government. When women run for office, they are just as likely to win as men. The problem is that women are significantly less likely to run in the first place. Experts believe women feel less qualified to run than men despite having similar education and experience, and that women are less likely than men to receive positive encouragement to run for office. Women Run! is here to break down those barriers. Our Women Run! events give women the tools, confidence, and community they need to raise their hands and run.

Change begins at home, and we will continue to bring Women Run! events to every corner of the Granite State. From the local school board to the state legislature, there’s an office for every woman who is ready to do the work of campaigning and governing.