We envision a state with social, political and economic gender equality. Through our grantmaking program, we fuel positive change in our communities by supporting the most innovative and promising solutions to issues which promote gender equality. When women and girls prosper, communities thrive.
New Hampshire Women’s Foundation has a vision of social, political and economic gender equality in New Hampshire, and seeks to provide grant support to organizations which share our vision and values. Our values are:
- Empowerment – We believe that women and girls should have the power and influence to make their own choices, control their own lives, and find and use their own voices.
- Equity and Justice – We believe in gender equity and justice for people from all races, backgrounds, and all income levels.
- Bold and Courageous Leadership – We believe that we can and should use our voices and privilege to be bold and courageous in effecting real and lasting change
- Collaboration – We believe that working collectively with other organizations, leaders, advocates and individuals of all genders is the best way to advance and improve the lives of women and girls
Grantee alignment with our vision and values is critical to our mission.
New Hampshire organizations designated as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code are eligible to apply. In order to apply, organizations must complete our eligibility test, which assures that applicant organizations have missions which align with ours.
Our grantmaking is strategic and focused. We are interested in efforts that: address the root causes of problems faced by New Hampshire women and girls; result in long-term positive change for women and girls; challenge systemic barriers faced by women and girls; promote the empowerment and leadership of women and girls; demonstrate collaboration among women’s and girls’ organizations; raise consciousness of the status of women or girls or raise awareness of issues of concern to women or girls; impact public policy in support of the full and equal participation of women and girls; and encourage philanthropy by women and girls.
We seek out programs that benefit New Hampshire women and girls by:
- Promoting Economic Security
- Supporting Health, Wellness, and Safety
- Enhancing Leadership, Education, and Empowerment
- Special projects or programs that benefit New Hampshire women and girls
- Advocacy efforts designed to foster gender equity
- General operating support
- Organizational capacity building
- Individuals seeking direct support for things such as school tuition, living expenses, medical expenses, etc.
- Academic research
- Donations to capital campaigns
- Sectarian, religious or partisan activities
- One-day conferences
- Activities that will have already occurred by the time funding is awarded in September
- Organizations which have been funded by NHWF in the prior 3 years
The New Hampshire Women’s Foundation understands that many non-profits are stretched to the limit regarding staff and resources and tries to make the application process for a grant as simple and straightforward as possible. Because of this, we have limited the number of questions we require and have strict word limits to keep answers concise.
Grant awards are typically between $2,500 and $7,500 and are highly competitive. If successful, grant funds will be available in December. Please note: Organizations which have been funded 3 years in a row are asked to take a year off before applying again.
When can funding be expected? Because we engage several dozen volunteer grant reviewers, our process takes some time. But the benefit is that more community leaders become familiar with the applicant’s work. Here is a general timeline for the process:
- April – Applications are received and given a preliminary review by staff
- May – Applications are shared with grant review teams
- June – Initial recommendations are made by grant review teams
- July – NHWF Grants Committee makes final recommendations for funding
- August-September – Grantees are notified
- December – Checks are mailed to successful applicants
Important note: Because successful applicants will not receive funds until December, please do not apply for projects where funding is needed prior to the end of the calendar year.
how to apply:
Step One: Create an account in Submittable with your email and password.
Step Two: Once you are in the Submittable System, you will be asked to complete an eligibility quiz. If you are found eligible to apply, you’ll be directed to start your application. Here is a preview of the eligibility questions:
- Is your application focused on serving women, girls and gender expansive people in New Hampshire? Check if “yes”.
- Are you an inclusive organization which does not discriminate against individuals from historically marginalized communities? Check if “yes”.
- Is your organization open to all people regardless of religious orientation and does not promote a specific religious ideology? Check if “yes”.
- The New Hampshire Women’s Foundation is a pro-choice organization. Can you confirm that your organization does not discourage people from accessing a full range of reproductive and sexual health choices? Check if “yes”.
Step Three: After completing the preliminary information about your organization, answer the 5 application questions below, being sure to stay within the word limits. Be sure to include the requested attachments, such as budgets and a list of board members. [Note: Because this is password protected, you will be able to save your application. No need to complete it all at once – you can come back to it later.]
- Project Executive Summary (100 words): Please briefly describe your project, its importance and the results you expect from this work. Please indicate what funding will be used for, and the number of people impacted.
- Need (250 words): Describe the need or opportunity (community or organizational) for your proposed work. Why is now a strategic time for the New Hampshire Women’s Foundation to invest in this work?
- Project Description (250 words): Briefly describe the project/proposed work, including major activities, timetable and staff qualifications related to the work.
- Results (250 words): If your project is successful, what will be different as a result of your work? What outcomes do you expect? How will you track them?
- Sustainability (250 words): If this work is ongoing, how will you sustain the work beyond this grant? If it is not ongoing, how does it advance organizational goals and/or produce significant community benefit?
- Is there anything else we should know? (150 words)
- VOICE, MONEY, POWER (250 words): Describe how your organization builds Voice, Money, and Power with the women and girls you serve?
Please note: Organizations which have been funded three years in a row by the New Hampshire Women’s Foundation are requested to take a year off from applying.
Download the application guidelines or start your application by clicking the button below.
If you are a grant recipient for the New Hampshire Women’s Foundation, we require a final report one year after the funds were awarded. You can download this document here or click the button below. We are also pleased to provide an opportunity for grantees to share their work with the community as often as possible at our events, such as our annual Women Building Community Luncheon.
If you have any questions, please call our office at 603.226.3355 or email our office at lauren@nhwomensfoundation.org.